
Earning world

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Trick On How To Send Anonymous Mail

You might find a lot of methods on Internet for sending fake or anonymous email.But due to good detection mechanism used by mail servers of google,yahoo,rediff,AOL and hotmail most of them are blocked.So,now I am giving you a new and a simple method for sending fake or anonymous emails.This is 100% working trick to send fake or anonymous emails.It has been tested on gmail and yahoo.By using this Anonymous email trick you would be able to send emails from any email id like bradpitt@gmail.com or billgate@microsoft.comor any other email id.This is called email spoofing.The recipient will see that the email came from bradpitt@gmail.com but instead it would be sent by you.This trick is a complete fun and easy to implement.
For this trick we will be using a relay server.A relay server is a SMTP server that is trusted by google and other email server.If you have any paid hosting then you can send unlimited emails from your hosting but in case of free servers they donot give you permissions for sending emails.In this trick I will tell you how to send these fake or anonymous email from free hosting.
Here is the tutorial with screenshots for Trick On How To Send Anonymous Mail
1.Goto to X10 hosting and register for free hosting.
kabad Trick On How To Send Anonymous Mail
Note:During signup you should note down  the URL that has been highlighted with red color
2.Download this script.Click Here To Download
3.Extract this with winrar or winzip.
4.Login into your x10 hosting account Cpanel.
5.Click on filemanager and Upload all the three files in your server.
81447454 Trick On How To Send Anonymous Mail

6.Now type site name that you created during signup.
7.Now click on Sendmail.php
32930004 Trick On How To Send Anonymous Mail
8.Now enter the fields and send anonymous emails!!
82022266 Trick On How To Send Anonymous Mail

Trick On How To Send Bold & Underline Text In Facebook Chat

People try to learn more and more facebook tricks so that they can amuse their friends.Well today I am going to teach you a cool facebook chat trick that most of the people are unaware of that ishow to send bold and underlined text in facebook chat.This trick doesnot require any technical knowlege and it can be used by using just simple codes
In the picture below you can see that I have sent bold and underlined text in facebook chat.
facebookchatboldunderli Trick On How To Send Bold & Underline Text In Facebook Chat
Now here are the facebook codes for sending bold and underlined text in facebook chat.
For Sending Bold Text
  • whatever you type between * *(two stars ) will automatically turns into bold.
  • Example : You write
    I *really* mean it.
    Turns to
    really mean it.
For sending underlined Text
  • Whatever you type between _ _(two underscores) will automatically turns into underlined text
  • Example: You write
I really _mean_ it.
Turns to
I really mean it
For writing Bold+Underline
  • Whatever you type between *_ _* will automatically turns into Bold+Underline
  • Example:
You *_mean_* it?
Turns to
You mean it?

How To Check All Email Accounts From Gmail

Gmail was officially announced by google on 1 april 2004 i.e on the april fool’s day.It is more popular then one of the oldest Email service provider AOL.
Gmail has been popular amongst users because it provides almost unlimited storage capacity for emails and also due to its good spam filter.Now a days everybody has more than one Email accounts.I personally have 10+  email accounts of yahoo,Gmail,Hotmail,Aol and it is difficult to manage all of them.So now I have configured all of them to my Gmail account and now I can check and send email’s of all email accounts from my single Gmail account and it had really made my life easy.
You can configure 5 email accounts from any email service provider like Gmail,yahoo,Aol,hotmail etc to your Gmail account.
Here is the step by step tutorial with screenshots on How To Check All Email Accounts From Gmail
  1. Login into your Gmail account that you want to use as a master email account.
  2. Click on Settings option present at the top (near signout)
  3. gmailsettingsthumb How To Check All Email Accounts From Gmail
  4. Now click on Accounts or Accounts and Import (whichever is present)
  • If Accounts option was available then you will see option Add another email account in front of Get mail from other accounts click on it .
  • gmailsettingsaccountsth How To Check All Email Accounts From Gmail
  • Now you will get a little popup window and you have to enter your email accountand password of the other account and the rest of the options will be configured automatically.
  • addemailaccountthumb How To Check All Email Accounts From Gmail
  • If Accounts and Import option was available then you will see option Check mail using POP3 click on Add POP3 Email Account .
  • Now will get a little popup window and you have to enter your email account and passwordof the other account and the rest of the options will be configured automatically.
Now Gmail will automatically check the accounts at specific interval of time and forward all the emails from your other email accounts to your master Gmail accounts and that,s it.It is a Great way to manage all your email accounts easily.

Trick To Make Computer Speak Whatever You Type

This is an amazing trick to amaze your friends.By using this trick you can make your computer to speak whatever you type.This trick is working on all microsoft operating system and does not require any programming skills.You have to follow just simple steps and your ownText to Voice software will be ready.If you show this software to any of your friends he will be certainly impressed with you .
Ok,the trick is fairly simple and requires only 3 simple steps from your side.Let’s Begin the tutorial with screenshots to Make Your Computer Speak Whatever You Type
Trick To Make Computer Speak Whatever You Type
1.Open Notepad and copy and paste the following code into it

Dim message, sapi
message=InputBox("What do you want me to say?","Speak to Me")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak message

2.Now save the notepad file with the name speak.vbs at your desktop.
3.Now double click on speak.vbs type in the box whatever you want your computer to speak for you.
speak Trick To Make Computer Speak Whatever You Type
Its a really funny trick to impress everybody with your computer skills
Note:The Above code has been Corrected and now its working

How To Place Photos Side By Side In Blogger

If you're reading this article, you've probably been trying to get pics into your blogger posts in a side-by-side fashion, but couldn't quite figure out how to manage it. That's because the option isn't available in the control panel for some reason. If you want to place two photos side by side in blogger, you'll have to go into the HTML of the post itself (NOT the HTML of your template!), but don't worry, it's really very easy to do; you just need to host your image on a free image hosting site like Photobucket. You will, however, have to do insert the new code every time -- in other words, every time you want to create a post in blogger which has side by side pics. So let's get to the part about how you do it.

Step 1

Go to your Blogger dashboard

Step 2

Click on the Posting tab
(Clicking on the posting tab should automatically take you the Create Post section.)

Step 3

When you first open the Create Post section, it will automatically be in Compose mode. To view the HTML mode, you will want to click on the HTML tab, which is right beside the Compose tab. Both of these tabs are on the far right, just above the tool section.

Step 4

Once in the HTML section, you will want to use/paste the following code: <table> <tbody><tr><td><img src="insert your jpg link here" border="0" /></a> </p></td> <td><img src="insert your jpg link here" border="0" /></a> </p></td></tr> </tbody></table>
Don't forget to replace the "insert your jpg link here" here with your own link! See below for an example.

Step 5

This is the same code, but with img links included as an example.
<table> <tbody><tr><td><img src="http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n240/isabellasnow/isafolio-1.png" border="0" /></a> </p></td> <td><img src="http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n240/isabellasnow/CLfolio.png" border="0" /></a> </p></td></tr> </tbody></table>

Step 6

Once you've inserted your HTML code, you can check the images by clicking on the Compose tab. You can also use the Preview link, which is just below it.

Step 7

It's best to insert pics first and then write your blog post, because it can be very tricky to navigate the blog post HTML once you've started to write it. If you'd like to see what I mean, take a look at the HTML of a post you've already written. Better yet, take a look at once that contains an image -- if you're not familiar with HTML, it can be quite confusing, and accidental errors can make the whole post unreadable, so do yourself a favor and start by inserting pics and then composing the post later. If you have to go the opposite way round, it's certainly possible, just be very patient and take your time until you get the hang of it.

Step 8

Publish your post!

top 7 funny google tricks

We all use google for searching but its time to explore the funny side of google.Here I have collected the top 7 funny google tricks that will amaze you.Some of the tricks are provided by google itself while other have been developers.
So, Here is the List Of  Google’s Top 7 tricks
  1. 1. Google gravity:- We all have read the Newton’s law of gravity.Does it also apply to google?To test it follow the instructions
  • Go to google.com
  • Type Google Gravity
  • Click on I’m feeling Lucky
Now you will see the effect of gravity on google.The google icon will fall down automatically.You can even pickup and throw google icon anyware.
    googlegravitytrick Top 7 Funny Google Tricks
  1. 2. Google Pacman Game:-I have already published a post on the google pacman.To read how to play the pacman game on google click the link below
  1. 3. Change Background Image:-You can also change the background image of google image.To change the background image follow the instructions
  • Go to google.com
  • Click on the Change Background Image
  • Login with gmail username and upload Image
This will not work if you open the encrypted google.To open unencrypted version  click Here
  1. 4. Epic Google:- In epic google you will see the font size of google increasing automatically as if it will come out of your computer screen.To use google Follow the instructions
  • Go to google.com
  • Type Epic Google
  • Click on I’m feeling Lucky
  1. 5. Google Advanced Search Hacks:-Google provides some special search operators.By using these operators you can easily search anything you want.To learn about these oprators and how to use them click the link below.
  1. 6. Google Hacker:-want to see how the google homepage will look if it gets hacked .Follow the instructions below
  • Go to google.com
  • Type Google Hacker
  • Click on I’m feeling Lucky
  1. 7. Annoying Google:- In this trick the capitalisation of your searches will change automatically.Some words will change into small letter and some into capital letters in your search result.Want to try it follow the instructions
  • Go to google.com
  • Type Annoying Google
  • Click on I’m feeling Lucky
If you also know some more cool google tricks then do share with us and our readers by commenting your google tricks