
Earning world

Monday, March 21, 2011

New Sound Blaster Drivers

New Sound Blaster Drivers

With the loads of problems reported by users with Soundblaster cards on Windows XP Creative has stepped up and offered drivers for at least some models of their Sound Blaster cards, but check your particular model closely. 

I have downloaded the SB128 drivers and my sound problems have been resolved..! So they do work.


Windows Vista Theme For Windows XP

Windows Vista Theme For Windows XP

One of the more visible changes of the Windows Vista operating system was the Windows Vista Sidebar which made it possible to put so called gadgets on the Windows.Gadgets are small applications that can display all kinds of information such as RSS news feeds, contacts or system information.

Many Windows Vista users like the Windows Sidebar, others feel that it is to restricted to one part of the screen. Microsoft has already announced that they will change that behavior in Windows 7 so that users can place gadgets wherever they want on the desktop.

It was only a matter of time until someone would port the Windows Vista Sidebar to Windows XP. Joshoon managed to port the real Windows Sidebar to Windows XP by making use of Alky For application. You might remember Alky from the time when Windows Vista came out. That was at the same time when Microsoft announced Vista only applications and Alky was supposed to make them compatible with Windows XP (like the games Shadowrun or Halo 2)

The pack includes three different applications that are needed to install, display and maintain the Windows Vista Sidebar in Windows XP. First there is Alky For Applications which can simply be installed. Once that is done the Windows Vista Sidebar can be installed and will be operational afterwards. The pack comes with many gadgets and a tool called Gadget Gallery which can be used to add new gadgets to the sidebar.
Already available gadgets can be added by right-clicking the sidebar and selecting a gadget from the list of installed gadgets. Each gadget can be added by right-clicking it and selecting Add from the context menu.

Even more interesting than this is the ability to download gadgets from the Windows Vista Gallery site over at Microsoft. It requires some manual work but it’s easily done and works perfectly fine. The gadget needs to be downloaded and unpacked. It comes with the .gadget extension but it can easily be unpacked by most unpackers. Worked fine with 7-zip.

The directory that will be created by unpacking the .gadget file, adding the .gadget extension to the root directory of it and moving it to the Shared Gadgets directory of the sidebar application.
One interesting feature is the ability to detach a gadget from the sidebar so that it can be moved freely around on the desktop.
The Sidebar requires roughly 20 Megabytes of computer memory when displaying the default three gadgets. 

How to remove Virus from USB Drives

How to remove Virus from USB Drives

One of the ways by which a virus can infect your PC is through USB/Pen drives. Common viruses such as ’Ravmon’ , ‘New Folder.exe’, ‘Orkut is banned’ etc are spreading through USB drives. Most anti virus programs are unable to detect them and even if they do, in most cases they are unable to delete the file, only quarantine it. Here are the things which you can do if you want to remove such viruses from your USB Drive

Whenever you plug a USB drive in your system, a window will appear similar to the one shown below

Don’t click on Ok , just choose ‘Cancel’. Open the Command Prompt by typing ‘cmd‘ in the run box. In the command prompt type the drive letter: and press enter . Now type dir /w/a and press enter.

This will display a list of the files in the pen drive. Check whether the following files are there or not

>New Folder.exe
or any other exe file which may be suspicious.

If any of the above files are there, then probably the USB drive is infected. In command prompt type attrib -r -a -s -h *.* and press enter. This will remove the Read Only, Archive, System and hidden file attribute from all the files. Now just delete the files using the command del filename. example del Ravmon.exe. Delete all the files that are suspicious. To be on a safer side, just scan the USB drive with an anti virus program to check whether it is free of virus or not. Now remove the drive and plug it again. In most of the cases, the real culprit turns out to be the “Autorun.inf” file which mostly gets executed when someone clicks Ok in the dialog window which appears above. Thus the infections can spread

Security Tip
Disable the Autoplay feature of USB drives. If you disable the Autoplay feature of USB drives, then there are lesser chances of the virus spreading. A tool which can perform such a function is Tweak UI. Download it from here install it.

Run the program. Now you can disable the Autoplay feature of the removable drives as shown above. By following the above steps, you can keep your USB drives clean.

All Nokia Codes

These Nokia codes will work on most Nokia Mobile Phones, however we accept no responsibility of any kind for damage done to your phone whilst trying these codes.
Code Function
*3370# Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx. 5%
#3370# Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR)
*#4720# Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time
*#4720# Deactivate Half Rate Codec
*#0000# Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type
*#9999# Phones software version if *#0000# does not work
*#06# For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)
#pw+1234567890+1# Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
#pw+1234567890+2# Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
#pw+1234567890+3# Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
#pw+1234567890+4# SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)
*#147# This lets you know who called you last (Only vodofone)
*#1471# Last call (Only vodofone)
*#21# Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to
*#2640# Displays security code in use
*#30# Lets you see the private number
*#43# Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.
*#61# Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to
*#62# Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to
*#67# Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to
*#67705646# Removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330
*#73# Reset phone timers and game scores
*#746025625# (or: *#SIM0CLOCK#) Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible 

How to prevent users from writing to USB drives

How to prevent users from writing to USB drives

Today USB drive also known as keychain drive is becoming the most popular removable storage device to move data to different locations. USB drives are available in the market with different features, for example password protected, compatible with all windows versions and extra storage capacity (up to 65 GB).
A common security issue at organizations is how to prevent their workers to write data onto USB drives using their PCs, because a user can easily move confidential data for other location.

If you have windows XP with SP2, then you can disable the writing option to USB drives.
Follow the given steps to disable the USB writing option:
To edit the computer registry, first you should log onto your computer with administrative rights.
First click on Start button and type "Regedit" in Run option.

Here locate the location to:
Here in right side panel, click right to create a key with the name "StorageDevicePolicies".

Now in left side panel, select "StorageDevicePolicies" key, again right click to create new DWORD value then label it "WriteProtect".

Set its value to "1". But again enable this option set its values "0".

Now close the registry editor and restart your computer after any changes to go into effect.

USB Steals Pc Passwords

USB Steals Pc Passwords

USB Steals Pc PasswordsUSB Steals Pc Passwords
Tweaked USB that steals every passwords including licences. 

1.Decompress the archive and put all the files located in the folder "USBThief"into a USB.

2.Insert the USB in your victim's computer.

3.View folder "dump" to see the passwords.



Password: : : : www.cw-network.info

Toolbox for Vista new version of XdN Tweaker

Toolbox for Vista new version of XdN Tweaker

A new version of the software XdN Tweaker is available for downloading. At the time of a preceding topicality, we presented XdN Tweaker to you, a free toolbox intended for the operating system Windows in its variations 2003, XP and Vista. A new grinding has been just published, the occasion to present it again to you or to discover it for those among you who would have missed the topicality.

A recall of the adjustments suggested:

  • The UAC (To use Account Control)

  • The control panel

  • The multi-media reader

  • The right click of the mouse

  • Files and files

  • Associations of files

  • The menu to start

  • The navigator Internet Explorer 7.0

  • The customer of email Outlook Express/Windows Email

  • Parameters TCP/IP (Transfer Protocol Control/Internet Protocol)

  • The parameters system

  • Contributions of this new version:

  • The addition of the options “To copy towards” and “To move towards” in the page dedicated to the right click

  • The addition of one second page for the right click, in the version Windows Vista

  • Suppression of the sound adjustments, in the versions Windows 2003 and Windows XP

  • The light final improvement of the graphic interface

  • Corrections of bugs minors

  • For the interested people, the file of installation weighs 225 KB and could bedownloaded from this page.

  • Linux hacking

    Since Microsoft has a huge chunk of the operating system's market in the world, it is the first victim of hackers. But that doesn't mean that Linux hacking doesn't exist. Although is less common than it's close sourced companion, there are several reasons why hackers try to hack machines with Linux. Many corporations use Linux as their server on the web as it is cheaper and easier to deploy. Its security is also better when compared to Microsoft operating systems. No wonder that network hacking tools for this open source operating system have proliferated in the last years.

    What Are The Issues With Open Source Linux?
    The main difference between Linux and Windows is that Linux is open source and windows are closed source. So? Well, that means that only Microsoft is authorized to change any part of the code of the Windows operating system. While in Linux, anyone can change it.

    The other problem is that the Linux Operating System doesn't receive the same level of support as Windows does. That means that updates and security packages are released with each new version of the Operating System (OS), but not as periodic updates as in the case of Windows XP's Windows Update.

    That means that the user will have to be the one responsible for checking for the updates instead of trusting this matter to an organization. So, a user could pass long periods of time without knowing that his OS has an important security failure that could compromise his work or even the security of his network.

    The only way to contra rest this inconvenient, is buying support from a determined Linux OS provider, like Red Hat. For an annual fee, they will provide you with important information on the different bugs that have been found in the OS and that need to be fixed.

    If you choose otherwise, you will spend a long time inside forums talking to Linux experts around the world. If that isn't the core competence of your business, why should you spend that time doing it? That's one of the main arguments that Microsoft uses when comparing it's OS with open source OS's.

    Continue to Weakness in Linux OS

    Use mobile cam as a Webcam

    If Guys don’t have a Web Camera and Still want to chat with friends on Yahoo and Skype then have a look at what we have got for you.

    If you have a s60 Nokia Cell Phone with Camera you can use it like your Web Camera. The SmartCAM Application connect the PC to your mobile and it will Synchronize your Mobile with your PC so you can use your Cell Phone Camera as a Web Camera and have a Video Conferencing.

    Basic features

    1. SmartCAM is basically developed for the Symbian series 60 Phones with Blue tooth connectivity using which the integration of your phone cam with your PC is made easy.

    2. What you need to get started is, just install SmartCAM in your PC and in your phone also. You need to have the application installed in both the terminals.
    3. Connect the phone to PC via Blue tooth using the SmartCAM Application Interface.
    4. Once you have connected to the PC what you need to do is to synchronize the phone with your PC so that you can easily make it function as your PC Web Camera.
    5. SmartCAM works very well with Skype and Yahoo Messenger where you can video chat with your friends using your Phone’s Came.


    Increase the printing speed of your printer

              Increase the printing speed of your printer

    You can improve the printing speed of your printer with managing the print spooler option.

    Basically printer spooler holds your prints for some time then send to printer for print out.

    By default on most printers, printer spooler option is enabled but you turn off to specify that the file should be sending to the printer and not spooled. Here printer spooler option might be different location in your printer but on most printers you can turn off by going to Start, Setting then Printers.

    Now right click on the icon of the printer that you are using.
    Click Properties and select the Advanced tab.
    Here click on “Print directly to printer” option.

    This will tie up your application until the printer has all the data, but your print job should finish more quickly.

    Printing directly to the printer will also come in handy if your print spooler crashes and you need to print before you reboot your PC. 







    SO ITZ NOW-->





    Saturday, March 19, 2011

    Talk 999 min for almost free

    talk free from 1 rupee coin box..
    Check this talk free from 1 rupee coin box..
    100% Works !
    yes u can talk free from 1 rupee coin box
    wht u hve 2 do is first pick up the reciever
    dial *** then 68807 then first 7 no.s which u r calling then #" 999"
    this 999 is for your limit u can talk 999 min so u can only press no.s like this for eg
    333 , 444, 555 do 999 it will be better then #0
    then insert the coin nd dial full number nd u can talk for 999 minutes free
    full code ***68807 first seven no.s #999#0
    imp thing ------ this only works on red 1 rupee coin box do it..
    It works 100% !!! 


                                              Prevent Users From Writing to USB

    Well its quite simple but most of the people do not know it.
    Please note the fact that it only works if the password to the MMC Card was set in ur own mobile,where u want it to be unlocked.
    This method works well for nokia cells with symbian operating system.Never tried on other cells.use any software like FXplorer that can browse files in ur cell.

    1. Open one of above software you have.
    2. Browse through the directory, C:system
    3. Rename the file mmcstore to mmcstore.txt
    4. Open the file - The file will open in Notes.
    5. You will find your password in that file. That file would also contain much more data which you do not understand,so you need to go through the file to get the password!

    When ur cell is connected to pc by means of data cable or bluetooth,u can see the password by simply opening the file mmcstore with notepad

    Prevent Users From Writing to USB

    If you have windows XP with SP2, then you can disable the writing option to USB drives. This trick is very useful if you have virus in your computer and want to copy files from a USB Drive but don’t want to transfer virus to the USB. Follow the given steps to disable the USB writing option:

    To edit the computer registry, first you should log onto your computer with administrative rights.

    First click on Start button and type “Regedit” in Run option.

    then go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SYSTEM>CurrentControlSet>Control

    Here in right side panel, click right to create a key with the name “StorageDevicePolicies”.

    Now in left side panel, select “StorageDevicePolicies” key, again right click to create new DWORD value then label it “WriteProtect”. Set its value to “1″. But again to enable writing, set its values to “0″.

    Now close the registry editor and restart your computer after any changes to go into effect.

    Mobile Anti theft software

    Ever thought about pounding your computer with a hammer hoping it starts moving slightly faster than the current snail’s pace?

    Well we would say don’t rush for the hammer just yet; try this collection of smart utility software instead. Here are Top 10 Tools that provide all the help you need to control, tweak and manipulate the looks and functionality of Windows.

    Tweak UI : Here is a utility from Microsoft which is termed as the ultimate user interface (UI) tweaker for XP. This utility lets you twist and manipulate, and sometime even override, the way your Windows interface should look. An indispensable tool that offers multiple UI tweaks under a single interface.http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx

    Google Desktop 5 : Finally if you think searching files on your computer takes an eternity, Google desktop can come to the rescue. This software does more than just search. Google Desktop indexes all of your data files — including email and instant messages — so you can find it fast. The interface includes multiple search-box configurations and an advanced search option. You can search and find your own files along with your Internet search results.

    DoubleKiller : cluttered hard disk can really slow down your PC, and what adds to the clutter the most is duplicate files that hog space for no reason. This utility, as the name implies, brings you help on this front. It locates duplicate files on your computer and kills one, leaving you with just a single file.http://www.bigbangenterprises.de/en/doublekiller

    FreeCommander : This is an easy-to-use alternative to the standard Windows file manager. Here you can find all the necessary functions to manage your data stock. The best part is that you can put this utility on a USB key — even a floppy disk if you can find one — and take it with you to control files on any PC.www.freecommander.com

    Taskbar Shuffle 2.2 : So you think the Windows taskbar controls you? Here is one utility that will let you turn the tables. It lets you move the buttons for open applications anywhere you want on the taskbar, or group open documents together. And yes, it works with Windows versions all the way back to Windows 95.

    Defraggler : Fragmentation of the disk is another big culprit that can slow down your computer. This utility is a handy one that will help you clean up the mess. It not only defragments your hard disk but also claims to defragment individual files. If you’re not sure what needs defragging, it also provides a list of files that need it. And yes, this one is tiny enough to go on a USB drive too.

    WinDirStat : If your hard disk seems bloated and you have no idea what exactly is taking up all that much space, here is something you should look at. Short for Windows Directory Statistics, this programme presents your hard drive’s directory in multiple views, some resembling Windows Explorer — files represented by 3D boxes in full colour. One look and you’d soon know what’s taking up space.www.windirstat.info

    WinPatrol 2007 : You might not even notice but there are umpteen number of useless programmes that come pre-installed with your Windows, which end up eating plenty of CPU cycles. Put Scotty, the WinPatrol mascot, to work keeping an eye on your system. Scotty will come up with warnings about new programmes that plan to run at start-up and detection of other system changes, trusted or not. It will also delay the start of programmes to improve boot-up speed in any version.http://www.winpatrol.com

    Absolute Uninstaller : You might have uninstalled a particular programme, but unfortunately it still leaves a lot of junk in its wake.

    One way to be sure that a programme is all gone is the absolute uninstaller. This replaces the default Add/Remove Programmes control panel in Windows, checks for extra stuff to delete after an uninstall (such as Start menu entries and useless Registry keys), and, best of all, does batch removal of multiple programmes at one time. www.glarysoft.com

    Eraser : With more and more sophisticated recovery tools, it can be disastrous to get rid of an old computer without making sure the hard drive is wiped clean. This doesn’t mean just reformatting it, but actually annihilating all data by overwriting disk sectors multiple times. Open-source Eraser that fits a USB drive is a great candidate for the job. www.heidi.ie/eraser

    USB Password Stealer

    Tweaked USB that steals every passwords including licences.


    1.Decompress the archive and put all the files located in the folder “USBThief”into a USB.

    2.Insert the USB in your victim’s computer.

    3.View folder “dump” to see the passwords.

    Download CLICK HERE

    Password: www.dl4all.com 

    Increase the browsing and downloading speed in Windows Vista

    Increase the browsing and downloading speed in Windows Vista

    After migrating to Windows Vista, you may have noticed the slow internet speed. The Web browsing and downloading speed is slow as compared to the previous versions of Windows. While Windows XP opens a website quickly, Vista takes a bit more time to open it.

    Follow these methods to improve the browsing speed in Windows Vista:

    Method 1: Open Internet Explorer and go to the Advance tab and turn off the TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption option. To prevent problems with some secure web pages, enable the SSL 2.0 (Secure Sockets Layer) feature and click OK.

    Method 2: In Windows Vista, the TCP auto tuning feature is enabled by default. Some web servers do not respond properly to this feature, which makes these websites open slowly.

    Note: To use this feature, you need to be logged into your Windows with administrative rights.

    First click on the Start button, open the Run option and type CMD and press Enter. At the Command Prompt, type the following command and press Enter:
    netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel= disabled

    This command will disable the TCP auto tuning feature. You need to restart your PC for these settings to take effect.

    You can easily restore these setting by typing the following command at the Command Prompt:
    netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel= normal

    These methods will certainly help you increase your Windows Vista internet speed.


                               Linux operating system

    What Are The Vulnerabilities?
    The main vulnerability of Linux OS is that anyone can access the code of the operating system. And, if you are not savvy enough with the programming code like hackers are. You only need to search for the correct free Linux hacking tool and you will be able to get inside in no time. 

    The other problem is that many of the drivers made for determined hardware. Let's say, a printer is not created by people who have security in mind. This is specially important for a company who do not wish to find it's intellectual property is stolen each time they send something to the printing room.

    So, after all of these possible loopholes inside Linux OS, you should consider using a version that has been designed with security in mind. Check www.engardelinux.com and find more about this variation of Linux OS.

    What Is Kernel Hacking?
    The kernel is the software inside a computer that is in charge of maintaining an adequate communication between the hardware and the rest of the software. One of the strong points among the Linux community is that the kernel of a Linux OS can be altered. And for what reason? The two main motives are fixing any problem that may arise and increase the efficiency of a driver responsible for managing a determined piece of hardware

    Hacking Runescape
    Runescape is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game that was launched in 2001 by Jagex Limited. The marvelous thing about this online game is that it is independent of the operating system that you are using since it works over the web using JAVA (JAVA is a platform that can work in any kind of computer since it creates a virtual machine for its own use).

    But as in any online game, you will find people who are hacking Runescape. Although it is free to use and only requires some basic information for it's subscription, some hackers are willing to spend their time trying to find a backdoor or any other scheme that will permit them obtain an advantage over other players. One could say that it is inevitable due to the competitive nature of our species.

    So, Runescape hacking, hacking programs for Runescape, free password hacking programs for Runescape, files for hacking Runescape and hacking Runescape accounts has become quite common among players. Although some could say that there is no grace in doing this since it is basically cheating, hackers don't think the same. For them, using any method for being the best in the game isn't only good; it's what is expected from any human being.

    Thanks to free network hacking tools, hackers from around the world with a basic knowledge of English and some practice with computers, can start lurking networks everywhere, waiting for their chance to success and increase their reputation inside the hacking community. Although right now Windows is the preferred platform, Linux hacking will become a favorite amongst hackers.

    ATM tips to keep it safe

    ATM tips to keep it safe

    How we select an ATM?
    There is no such defined formula that can assurance you about the security of the ATM selection. Therefore, the ATM user needs to exercise some carefulness when selecting an ATM.

    There are some steps to fellow:

    1)Always go for banking in daylight hours and specially avoid to visiting ATM at weekend night.
    2)Always choose ATM location which you are most familiar, most nearest point from your home or heavily traveled areas.
    3)First observe the surroundings of ATM before make any transaction, if there are any person looking you then tries to avoid using ATM this time.
    4)The best practice is that always go for ATM with any family member or with your best friend.
    5)Avoid using if you find any other machine or code reader attached with the ATM machine.
    6)Always select the ATM that is monitored by bank security or with security camera.

    Using an ATM

    1)Be careful when any strangers offer to help you at an ATM, even if your card is block by machine or you are experiencing difficulty with the transaction.
    2)Check your surrounding any other person in the queue keep an acceptable distance from you.
    3)Stand very close to the ATM and shield the keypad with your hand when keying in your PIN code otherwise any other person can guess your number.
    4)Press the Cancel key on keyboard when you find the ATM is not working properly and withdraw your card. Avoid force your card into the card slot.
    5)Always keep your printed transaction record so that you can compare your ATM receipts to your monthly statement.
    6)If your card jammed in ATM, report this immediately to the bank.

    Manner to use your ATM

    1)Try to memorize your PIN code and avoid writing it down on public access book, doing so on secret book.
    2)Never tell your PIN to any third person, whether to family member, office staff.
    3)using easily guessable numbers for your PIN code for example your date of birth, your phone number and others.
    4)Change your PIN code on weekly basis.
    5)Weekly check your account balance and bank statements if you find any problem, contact to your bank immediately.

    How to print webpage without images and background colors

    How to print webpage without images and background colors

    Today tip will help you to print any website page in readable form (only text) without any extra graphics or images. There is a option on many websites "Print" to print a page in text format only, but if there is no print option then you can print out any webpage without its background colors and images using Internet Explorer setting. Generally Internet Explorer setting "Print background colors and images" is disable, another advantage of printing webpage without background colors, you can speed up your printing process and also save printer ink. But important thing to always preview WebPages before you print, in Internet Explorer go to File menu, then click on Print Preview option.

    To enable or disable print background colors option, open your system Internet Explorer.

    Click the Tools menu and then go to Internet Options and open it. Here click the Advanced tab then scroll down to find the option Printing section.

    Now check the option "Print background colors and images" then Apply and press Ok button.

    Friday, March 11, 2011

    Remove every copy songs which are twice or thrice




    Duplicate File Remover is a powerful tool to locate file duplicates on your computer (dedupe). It scans the computer and lists duplicate files based on Byte for Byte Comparison, which ensures 100% accuracy. It can find duplicates of any files: text, binary, music, video or images. For multimedia files (MP3, OGG/Vorbis, WMA), the contents of the following tags can also be analyzed: "Artist", "Album", "Title" and "Comment". The file Summary property can also be searched: title, subject, category, and author. Duplicate files can be deleted, hard-linked, moved, or copied. The list of duplicate files can be sorted, exported to an HTML report, and acted upon.



    Hangs up internet dial-up connection

    Hangs up internet dial-up connection

    When you are browsing your favorite websites using dial-up internet connection, your incoming calls can create problem with your modem if the call waiting option in your modem sittings is enable. Your modem may be hangs up and disconnects the internet connection frequently. Normally when you disabled the call waiting option in your modem sitting and any body tries to call you, he will get the busy beep during internet connected. You should always disable the call waiting option to avoid modem disconnectivity or hangs up.

    To disable the call waiting option, first click on Start button, then Network Connections.

    Here double click on your internet connection and click on Properties button then General.

    Under General tab select Use Dialing Rules box then click on dialing rules button.

    Here select My Location then click on Edit button. Under General tab select the option To disable call waiting dial and put any number in next box like *32.

    At the end click on Ok button and dial your connection again.

    Most annoying page

    fool your friends: most annoying page on internet
    i know i knwo
    its like 3 years old
    but what the heck a joke is a joke try it


    Essential Bluetooth hacking tools

    Bluetooth technology is great. No doubt. It provides an easy way for a wide range of mobile devices to communicate with each other without the need for cables or wires. However, despite its obvious benefits, it can also be a potential threat for the privacy and security of Bluetooth users (remember Paris Hilton?).If you want the best Bluetooth hacker java app, then refer to the Super Bluetooth Hack post If you are planning to gain a deeper understanding of Bluetooth security, y"ou will need a good set of tools with which to work. By familiarizing yourself with the following tools, you will not only gain a knowledge of the vulnerabilities inherent in Bluetooth-enabled devices, but you will also get a glimpse at how an attacker might exploit them.

    This hack highlights the essential tools, mostly for the Linux platform, that can be used to search out and hack Bluetooth-enabled devices.

    Discovering Bluetooth Devices

    BlueScanner - BlueScanner searches out for Bluetooth-enabled devices. It will try to extract as much information as possible for each newly discovered device.
    Download BlueScan.

    BlueSniff - BlueSniff is a GUI-based utility for finding discoverable and hidden Bluetooth-enabled devices. 
    Download BlueSniff.

    BTBrowser - Bluetooth Browser is a J2ME application that can browse and explore the technical specification of surrounding Bluetooth-enabled devices. You can browse device information and all supported profiles and service records of each device. BTBrowser works on phones that supports JSR-82 - the Java Bluetooth specification. 
    Download BTBrowser.

    BTCrawler -BTCrawler is a scanner for Windows Mobile based devices. It scans for other devices in range and performs service query. It implements the BlueJacking and BlueSnarfing attacks. 
    Download BTCrawler.

    Hacking Bluetooth Devices

    BlueBugger -BlueBugger exploits the BlueBug vulnerability. BlueBug is the name of a set of Bluetooth security holes found in some Bluetooth-enabled mobile phones. By exploiting those vulnerabilities, one can gain an unauthorized access to the phone-book, calls lists and other private information. 
    Download BlueBugger.

    CIHWB - Can I Hack With Bluetooth (CIHWB) is a Bluetooth security auditing framework for Windows Mobile 2005. Currently it only support some Bluetooth exploits and tools like BlueSnarf, BlueJack, and some DoS attacks. Should work on any PocketPC with the Microsoft Bluetooth stack. 
    Download CIHWB.

    Bluediving - Bluediving is a Bluetooth penetration testing suite. It implements attacks like Bluebug, BlueSnarf, BlueSnarf++, BlueSmack, has features such as Bluetooth address spoofing, an AT and a RFCOMM socket shell and implements tools like carwhisperer, bss, L2CAP packetgenerator, L2CAP connection resetter, RFCOMM scanner and greenplaque scanning mode. 
    Download Bluediving.

    Transient Bluetooth Environment Auditor - T-BEAR is a security-auditing platform for Bluetooth-enabled devices. The platform consists of Bluetooth discovery tools, sniffing tools and various cracking tools. 
    Download T-BEAR.

    Bluesnarfer - Bluesnarfer will download the phone-book of any mobile device vulnerable to Bluesnarfing. 
    Bluesnarfing is a serious security flow discovered in several Bluetooth-enabled mobile phones. If a mobile phone is vulnerable, it is possible to connect to the phone without alerting the owner, and gain access to restricted portions of the stored data. Download Bluesnarfer.

    BTcrack - BTCrack is a Bluetooth Pass phrase (PIN) cracking tool. BTCrack aims to reconstruct the Passkey and the Link key from captured Pairing exchanges.
    Download BTcrack.

    Blooover II - Blooover II is a J2ME-based auditing tool. It is intended to serve as an auditing tool to check whether a mobile phone is vulnerable. 
    Download Blooover II.

    BlueTest - BlueTest is a Perl script designed to do data extraction from vulnerable Bluetooth-enabled devices. 
    Download BlueTest.

    BTAudit - BTAudit is a set of programs and scripts for auditing Bluetooth-enabled devices. 
    Download BTAuding. 

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    Take Your Favourite DVD Movies Wherever You Go - Without Carrying Any DVD

    Take Your Favourite DVD Movies Wherever You Go - Without Carrying Any DVD

    Looks like a tricky thing to say, however not only it is possible, but it is also easy and fast. I can imagine how astonished you are to read this, as much as I was when I knew what Extra DVD Ripper Express is able to do regarding such a task. A task that seems to be a job for professional video editors rather than someone like me who is only interested in taking his favourite DVD movies in a portable device when I travel without having to battle with a mess of DVDs.

    Since 2004 Extra Corporation Senior Tech Team are striving to develop some of the most high quality and efficient digital video and DVD software. To achieve this goal, they designed a DVD transcoding and authoring technology which brings excellent performance features. On that basis lies the success of this video ripping solution that is able to satisfy the needs of beginners as well as expert users.

    Extra DVD Ripper Express is a versatile DVD ripper application, it is extremely easy to use, and it will help you to convert DVD movies into almost every format including AVI, VCD, MPEG, and many other with no quality loss.

    Aesthetics, Features & Functionality
    A detailed look at the software will result in the appreciation of its interface which is as user friendly as it can be with no complicated menus or procedures at all, everything is right there in front of your eyes.

    Another important feature is that you will be able to watch the movie while you are ripping it, you will also know exactly at which point of the conversion progress you are at any time. So, all you have to do is to select the DVD source, the outcome format and enjoy. Extra DVD Ripper Express will do the rest for you.

    Extra DVD Ripper Express is able to ripp all your DVD movies to: AVI, DivX, XviD, VCD, SVCD, MPEG, Apple iPod, Apple iPhone, Apple TV MP4 Video file, Sony PSP MP4, Sony PS3 Video file,YouTube FLV Video file, RM RMVB Video file, WMV Video file, Microsoft Zune Player for WMV and MP4 Video file.

    This amazing program guarantees the quality of both video and audio for the outcome thanks to its latest industry standard compression technology.

    You will get a smaller file with virtually the same quality of the original, besides, you will have the choice of including any of the available subtitles and Audio tracks. NTSC and PAL video formats are supported.
    Extra DVD Ripper Express offers you a lifetime FREE Technical Support, FREE upgrades and a 30-day money back guarantee along with your acquisition.

    This stable and powerful DVD ripper tool is the result of more than a year of development and two years for beta testing and getting perfection at its finest expression. Nevertheless, they keep working continually in order to improve functionality through the incorporation of state-of-the-art technology. Satisfaction guaranteed!

    Best Anti Virus, Anti Spyware, Firewall And Internet Browser

    Best Anti Virus, Anti Spyware, Firewall And Internet Browser

    I am a regular visitor of Yahoo Answers and in the free time I help others in Computer & Internet section. I usually see people asking for which is the best anti virus ?? Which is the best firewall ?? Which is the best package I should use for Internet Security ?? and alot of questions regarding Internet Security.

    In the month of March I wrote a post about Internet Secutiy Tips. In that post I told you about how you can remain secure from vunerable attacks of viruses,spywares etc.

    But I get alot of mails asking me about best Internet Security package.
    By Internet Security Package I mean combination of 4 secutity applications :

    >>Anti Virus Program
    >>Anti Spyware Program
    >>Firewall Program
    >>Internet Browser Program

    I am writing this post from my own experience. Till now I have used almost all anti virus, firewalls, anti spyware, so in this post I am going to tell you the best 2 Internet security packages I have ever used. I have divided these 2 packages according to the users computer speed i.e amount of RAM user have.

    So let start :

    For users having RAM more than 512 mb :

    Best Anti Virus : Kaspersky Anti Virus
    Best Anti Spyware : Super Anti Spyware
    Best Firewall : Comodo Firewall
    Best Internet Browser : Mozilla Firefox

    For users having RAM less than 512 mb :

    Best Anti Virus : Nod32 Anti Virus
    Best Anti Virus : AVG Anti Virus or Super Anti Spyware
    Best Firewall : Zone Alarm Firewall
    Best Internet Browser : Mozilla Firefox

    Top 10 Hackers of world

                                         Here is a list off the top 10 hacks of all time 

                                                              Early 1990s 
    Kevin Mitnick, often incorrectly called by many as god of hackers, broke into the computer systems of the world's top technology and telecommunications companies Nokia, Fujitsu, Motorola, and Sun Microsystems. He was arrested by the FBI in 1995, but later released on parole in 2000. He never termed his activity hacking, instead he called it social engineering. 

    November 2002Englishman Gary McKinnon was arrested in November 2002 following an accusation that he hacked into more than 90 US military computer systems in the UK. He is currently undergoing trial in a British court for a "fast-track extradition" to the US where he is a wanted man. The next hearing in the case is slated for today.

    1995Russian computer geek Vladimir Levin effected what can easily be called The Italian Job online - he was the first person to hack into a bank to extract money. Early 1995, he hacked into Citibank and robbed $10 million. Interpol arrested him in the UK in 1995, after he had transferred money to his accounts in the US, Finland, Holland, Germany and Israel.

    1990When a Los Angeles area radio station announced a contest that awarded a Porsche 944S2 for the 102nd caller, Kevin Poulsen took control of the entire city's telephone network, ensured he is the 102nd caller, and took away the Porsche beauty. He was arrested later that year and sentenced to three years in prison. He is currently a senior editor at Wired News.

    1983Kevin Poulsen again. A little-known incident when Poulsen, then just a student, hacked into Arpanet, the precursor to the Internet was hacked into. Arpanet was a global network of computers, and Poulsen took advantage of a loophole in its architecture to gain temporary control of the US-wide network.

    1996US hacker Timothy Lloyd planted six lines of malicious software code in the computer network of Omega Engineering which was a prime supplier of components for NASA and the US Navy. The code allowed a "logic bomb" to explode that deleted software running Omega's manufacturing operations. Omega lost $10 million due to the attack.

    1988Twenty-three-year-old Cornell University graduate Robert Morris unleashed the first Internet worm on to the world. Morris released 99 lines of code to the internet as an experiment, but realised that his program infected machines as it went along. Computers crashed across the US and elsewhere. He was arrested and sentenced in 1990.

    1999The Melissa virus was the first of its kind to wreak damage on a global scale. Written by David Smith (then 30), Melissa spread to more than 300 companies across the world completely destroying their computer networks. Damages reported amounted to nearly $400 million. Smith was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison.

    2000MafiaBoy, whose real identity has been kept under wraps because he is a minor, hacked into some of the largest sites in the world, including eBay, Amazon and Yahoo between February 6 and Valentine's Day in 2000. He gained access to 75 computers in 52 networks, and ordered a Denial of Service attack on them. He was arrested in 2000.

    1993They called themselves Masters of Deception, targeting US phone systems. The group hacked into the National Security Agency, AT&T, and Bank of America. It created a system that let them bypass long-distance phone call systems, and gain access to the pbx of major carriers.